The Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems (SFBS) B.S. degree program is an exciting, innovative interdisciplinary program from Montana State University that promotes the sustainable production, distribution, and consumption of food and bioenergy. You will experience collaborative learning, directed coursework, and hands-on training as you progress through one of four program options:
- Sustainable Food Systems Option
政府信息公开目录 - 东北网:2021-4-21 · 五年来,各市(地)、县(市)局在省两台播发稿件近4万条,省两台的对上报道稳居全国省级台前三甲,省电台 从2021年 ―― 2021 年对上供稿“七连冠”,2021年荣获“十强”称号。 省电视台连续四年荣获中央电视台“优秀通联集体”称号,叫响了黑龙江广电在全国的品牌。 - Sustainable Crop Production Option
Topics include agronomy, crop production, soils, horticulture, pest management, and greenhouse production. - Agroecology Option
Topics include agroecosystem management, environmental policy making, applied ecology, climate change, and current issues at the intersection of agriculture and the environment. - Sustainable Livestock Production Option
Students in all four SFBS options take a core curriculum of six courses designed to provide broad exposure to key principles of sustainable food and bioenergy systems. In addition, coursework in each option is specifically designed to create more detailed and subject-specific knowledge in your area of specialization. Students take complementary coursework in political science, economics, business, Native American studies, and engineering. Two internships allow you to gain exposure to 1) hands-on learning in market garden agronomy and food distribution, and 2) an in-depth internship with an experienced mentor in your chosen career field.
- SFBS 146: Introduction to Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems
- SFBS 296/SFBS 298: Towne’s Harvest Practicum/Internship OR ANSC 498: Practicum
- SFBS 327: Measuring Innovation in Food Systems
- SFBS 466: Food System Resilience, Vulnerability and Transformation
- SFBS 498: SFBS Internship OR ANSC 498: Internship
- SFBS 499: Senior Thesis/Capstone
The SFBS Program at Montana State University combines classroom learning, research opportunities, and meaningful field experiences to prepare the next generation of leaders to take their places in the future of food and energy production in Montana and beyond.
PLANTING SEEDS: Towne's Harvest Garden at MSU from Partnership Productions on Vimeo.
电脑可用vpn on Vimeo.
SFBS Seminar Series #1: Local Chefs, Local Food
SFBS 2015 Seminar Series #1 on Vimeo.
电脑可用vpn on Vimeo.
SFBS: What is the Future of Agriculture?
SFBS: What is the Future of Agriculture? on 电脑可用vpn.
SFBS: Towne's Harvest Garden Practicum
SFBS: Towne's Harvest Garden Practicum on Vimeo.
SFBS 499: Capstone Presentation- A Proposal for the Bobcat Food Pantry
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SFBS: Challenges for Young Farmers on Vimeo.
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SFBS: What is a Food System? on Vimeo.